Grid Borders

The grid border functions can be found under the Border tab of the Formatting panel, and define what the lines in the grid should look like.

Formatting Panel: Grid Borders

Tip: You can access the Formatting Panel using the Formatting Selector, or by clicking Format Visual on the Component ribbon.

The functions are as follows:

  • Borders: Use these fields to manage the appearance of your grid's borders.
    • Show / Hide Borders: Toggle the border buttons to show or hide top, bottom, right, or left borders.
    • Thickness: To incrementally increase or decrease the border width, click the increase or decrease arrows.
    • Color: To change the color of the grid's borders, click the Border Color button to open the color picker.
  • Table Handles: Use these fields to show an additional border at the top or bottom of the grid.
    • Show / Hide Handles: Toggle the table handle buttons to show or hide the handles at the top or bottom of the table.
    • Thickness: To incrementally increase or decrease the table handle widths, click the increase or decrease arrows.
    • Color: To change the color of the table handle's borders, click the Border Color button to open the color picker.

Component Ribbon

You can also access a sub-set of the border settings from the FORMAT ALL section of the Component ribbon.

Grid Borders

Show or hide some, all, or no borders.

Border Color

To change the color of the grid's borders, click the Border Color button to open the color picker.

Example: Matrix Grid Borders

In this example the border thickness was increased to 3, and border color was changed to blue. Both top and bottom table handles were turned on, and their thickness set to 3.